
Union of Human – Christmas Break 2016

Hey Humans,

I’ve decided to take some time off from updating the site over the next few weeks. I know, I know – ya’ll are devastated. Basically just not updating the gigs and news. I guess it wouldn’t kill me to do the Video of the Week, that doesn’t take long. One man attempting to follow the local music scenes in 7 different cities was such a monstrously retarded idea. But now I’m hooked and anytime I think about stopping I think of all the great music I’ll be missing out on. But not only am I burnt-out but I’m neglecting other projects that are important to me. Anyhoo, I’ll try to be back with a bang in the new year. I truly believe that sites and blogs like these will be where people go to get their source of music once everyone is fed up with the mainstream. I figure some day people will become so dissatisfied with crap corporate bullshit music that they will wonder where do we go to find good music? And then it will be considered cool to frequent sites like these and get involved in the local music scenes. It’s a dream of mine to see that day – come on humans I believe in you! Be sure to stop by the LINKS page to find other great local music sites.  I hope you all have such a good Christmas and New Year or whatever you celebrate or not. Celebrate something by god!

Thanks a bunch,

Human Jones – human@unionofhuman.org